Malacologica Bohemoslovaca
Web pages of Czech and Slovak
Stránky českých a slovenských malakologů
Check-list and distribution maps of the molluscs of the Czech and Slovak Republics
Suggested citation:
Horsák M., Čejka T., Juřičková L., Beran L., Horáčková J., Dvořák L., Coufal R., Maňas M. & Horsáková V., 2024: Check-list and distribution maps of the molluscs of the Czech and Slovak Republics. – Online at, checklist updated at July 8, 2024, maps updated at June 27, 2024.
The current version of the check-list follows Horsák et al. (2013) with up-to-date modifications supplemented with a reference. Distribution map for each species was constructed based on published data and our knowledge based on unpublished records. So far 254 species of molluscs, including 225 species of gastropods (52 aquatic and 173 terrestrial) and 29 species of bivalves, have been found outdoors in the Czech Republic. The fauna of Slovakia comprises 263 species, including 233 gastropods (56 aquatic and 177 terrestrial) and 30 bivalves.
To the checklist:
B – Bohemia;
M – Moravia;
S – Slovakia;
† – an extinct species for the territory;
(†) – probably extinct species for the territory;
+ – a non-native species for the territory;
! – an endemic species of smaller area.
? – occurrence probable, but not confirmed.
To the maps:
M – past distribution;
R – recent distribution;
M<R – number of occurrences increased over the last few decades (e.g. for non-native species);
M>R – number of occurrences declined over the last few decades (e.g. for seriously threatened species);
M=R – no obvious changes in the species distribution.
Updates to Horsák et al. (2013) are marked with an asterisk * and annotated below the species list. There is also a handy tiptool with comments on the names of the changed species (only available in operating systems with a mouse pointer; not in smartphones).
subclass Neritimorpha | |||||||
order Cycloneritida | |||||||
Neritidae | zubovcovití |
Theodoxus Montfort, 1810 | |||||||
T. danubialis (C. Pfeiffer, 1828) | – |
M | S | map |
images |
zubovec dunajský |
T. fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758) | B† |
– | +S | map | images |
zubovec říční |
T. transversalis (C. Pfeiffer, 1828) | – |
– | S | map |
images |
zubovec pruhovaný |
subclass Caenogastropoda | |||||||
order Architaenioglossa | |||||||
Viviparidae | bahenkovití |
Viviparus Montfort, 1810 | |||||||
V. acerosus
Bourguignat, 1862 * |
+B |
M | S | map |
images |
bahenka uherská |
V. contectus (Millet, 1813) | B |
M | S | map |
images |
bahenka živorodá |
V. viviparus (Linnaeus, 1758) | B |
+M | – | map |
images |
bahenka pruhovaná |
Aciculidae | jehlovkovití |
Acicula Hartmann, 1821 |
A. parcelineata
(Clessin, 1911) |
– |
M |
S |
map |
images |
jehlička malinká |
Platyla Moquin-Tandon, 1856 |
P. polita
(Hartmann, 1840) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
jehlovka hladká |
unassigned order of Caenogastropoda | |||||||
Melanopsidae | piskořkovití |
Esperiana Bourguignat, 1877 |
E. daudebartii
acicularis (A. Férussac, 1823) |
– |
– |
S |
map |
images |
piskořka ostrá |
E. esperi (A.
Férussac, 1823) |
– |
– |
S |
map |
images |
piskořka skvrnitá |
Thiaridae Gill, 1871 (1823) | věžovkovití |
Melanoides Olivier, 1804 |
M. tuberculata (O. F. Müller, 1774) * |
– |
+M |
– |
map |
images |
věžovka hrbolkatá |
order Littorinimorpha | |||||||
Bithyniidae | bahnivkovití |
Bithynia Leach, 1818 |
B. leachii
(Sheppard, 1823) |
– |
M |
S |
map |
images |
bahnivka nadmutá |
B. tentaculata
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
bahnivka rmutná |
B. transsilvanica
(Bielz, 1853) |
+B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
bahnivka východní |
Bythinellidae | praménkovití |
Bythinella Moquin-Tandon,
1856 |
B. austriaca
(von Frauenfeld, 1857) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
praménka rakouská |
B. pannonica
(von Frauenfeld, 1865) |
– |
– |
S! |
map |
images |
praménka široká |
Hydrobiidae | zdrojenkovití |
Clathrocaspia Lindholm,
1930 |
knipowitschii (Makarov, 1938) * |
– |
– |
+S |
map |
images |
mřížovka kaspická |
Alzoniella Giusti & Bodon, 1984 |
A. slovenica
(Ložek & Brtek, 1964) |
– |
M! |
S! |
map |
images |
vývěrka slovenská |
Hauffenia Pollonera, 1889 |
H. kissdalmae
Erőss & Petró, 2008 * |
– | – | S! | map | images | krasovka Kissova |
H. lozekiana
Haase, Grego, Eröss, Farkas & Fehér, 2021 * |
– | – | S! | map | images
krasovka Ložkova | |
Lithoglyphidae | kamolepovití |
Lithoglyphus Menke, 1830 |
L. naticoides
(C. Pfeiffer, 1828) |
– |
M |
S |
map |
images |
kamolep říční |
Tateidae | písečníkovití |
Potamopyrgus Stimpson,
1865 |
P. antipodarum
(Gray, 1843) |
+B |
+M |
+S |
map |
images |
písečník novozélandský |
subclass Heterobranchia | |||||||
infraclass "Lower Heterobranchia" | |||||||
Valvatidae | točenkovití |
Valvata O. F. Müller, 1773 |
V. cristata
O. F. Müller, 1774 |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
točenka plochá |
V. macrostoma
Mörch, 1864 |
B |
– |
S |
map |
images |
točenka veleústá |
V. piscinalis
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
točenka kulovitá |
Borysthenia Lindholm, 1914 |
B. naticina
(Menke, 1845) |
– |
– |
S |
map |
images |
zákrutka říční |
superorder Hygrophila | |||||||
Acroloxidae | člunicovití |
Acroloxus Beck, 1838 |
A. lacustris
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
člunice jezerní |
Lymnaeidae | plovatkovití |
Galba Schrank, 1803 |
G. truncatula
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
bahnatka malá |
Stagnicola Jeffreys, 1830 |
S. corvus
(Gmelin, 1791) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
blatenka tmavá |
S. fuscus
(C. Pfeiffer, 1821) |
B |
– |
– |
map |
images |
blatenka rybničná |
S. palustris
(O. F. Müller, 1774) * |
B |
– |
– |
map |
images |
blatenka bažinná | |
S. turricula
(Held, 1836) * |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
blatenka věžovitá |
Dybowski, 1913 * |
L. occulta
(Jackiewicz, 1959) * |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
blatnatka severní |
Radix Montfort, 1810 |
R. auricularia
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
uchatka nadmutá |
Ampullaceana Servain, 1882 |
A. ampla
(Hartmann, 1821) * |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
baňatka široká |
A. balthica
(Linnaeus, 1758) * |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
baňatka vejčitá |
A. lagotis
(Schrank, 1803) * |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
baňatka zaostřená |
Peregriana Servain, 1882 |
P. peregra
(O. F. Müller, 1774) * |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
potočnatka toulavá |
Myxas J. Sowerby, 1822 |
M. glutinosa
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B† |
– |
– |
map |
images |
pláštěnka sliznatá |
Lymnaea Lamarck, 1799 |
L. stagnalis
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
plovatka bahenní |
Physidae | levatkovití |
Aplexa Fleming, 1820 |
A. hypnorum
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
levotočka bažinná |
Physa Draparnaud, 1801 |
P. acuta
Draparnaud, 1805 * |
+B | +M | +S | map | images |
levatka ostrá |
P. fontinalis
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
levatka říční |
Planorbidae | okružákovití |
Planorbella Haldeman, 1843 |
P. duryi (Wetherby, 1879) * |
– |
– |
+S |
map |
images |
okružík floridský |
Planorbis O. F. Müller,
1773 |
P. carinatus
O. F. Müller, 1774 |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
terčovník kýlnatý |
P. planorbis
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
terčovník vroubený |
Anisus Studer, 1820 |
A. leucostoma
(Millet, 1813) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
svinutec běloústý |
A. septemgyratus
(Rossmässler, 1835) |
– |
M |
S |
map |
images |
svinutec sedmitočný |
A. spirorbis
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
svinutec kruhovitý |
A. vortex
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
svinutec zploštělý |
A. vorticulus
(Troschel, 1834) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
svinutec tenký |
Bathyomphalus Charpentier,
1837 |
B. contortus
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
řemeník svinutý |
Gyraulus Charpentier, 1837 |
G. acronicus
(A. Férussac, 1807) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
kružník severní |
G. albus (O.
F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
kružník bělavý |
G. crista (Linnaeus, 1758) | B | M | S | map | images | kružník žebrovaný |
G. parvus
(Say, 1817) * |
B | M |
S |
map | images |
kružník malý |
G. riparius
(Westerlund, 1865) |
– |
– |
S |
map |
images |
kružník drobný |
G. rossmaessleri
(Schmidt, 1852) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
kružník Rossmaesslerův |
Hippeutis Charpentier,
1837 |
H. complanatus
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
kýlnatec čočkovitý |
Segmentina Fleming, 1818 |
S. nitida
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
lištovka lesklá |
Ancylus O. F. Müller, 1773 |
A. fluviatilis
O. F. Müller, 1774 |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
kamomil říční |
Planorbarius Duméril, 1806 |
P. corneus
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
okružák ploský |
Menetus H. & A. Adams,
1855 |
M. dilatatus
(Gould, 1841) |
+B |
– |
– |
map |
images |
menetovník rozšířený |
Ferrissia Walker, 1903 |
F. californica
(Rowell, 1863) * |
+B |
+M |
+S |
map |
images |
člunka pravohrotá |
superorder Eupulmonata | |||||||
order Ellobiida | |||||||
Ellobiidae | elobiovití |
Carychium O. F. Müller,
1773 |
C. minimum
O. F. Müller, 1774 |
B |
M |
S |
images |
síměnka nejmenší |
C. tridentatum
(Risso, 1826) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
síměnka trojzubá |
order Stylommatophora | |||||||
Succineidae | jantarkovití |
Succinea Draparnaud, 1801 |
S. putris
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
jantarka obecná | ||
Oxyloma Westerlund, 1885 |
O. elegans
(Risso, 1826) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
jantarovka úhledná |
Succinella Mabille, 1871 |
S. oblonga
(Draparnaud, 1801) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
jantařička podlouhlá |
Quickella C. Boettger,
1939 |
Q. arenaria
(Potiez & Michaud, 1838) |
– |
– |
S |
map |
images |
jantarenka písečná |
Chondrinidae | ovsenkovití |
Abida Turton, 1831 |
A. secale
(Draparnaud, 1801) |
– |
– |
S |
map |
images |
žitenka režná |
Granaria Held, 1838 |
G. frumentum
(Draparnaud, 1801) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
žitovka obilná |
Chondrina Reichenbach,
1828 |
C. avenacea
(Bruguière, 1792) |
B |
– |
– |
images |
ovsenka skalní |
C. arcadica
clienta (Westerlund, 1883) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
ovsenka žebernatá |
C. tatrica
Ložek, 1948 |
– |
– |
S! |
map |
images |
ovsenka karpatská |
Truncatellinidae | drobničkovití |
Columella Westerlund, 1878 |
C. aspera
Waldén, 1966 |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
ostroústka drsná |
C. columella
(G. von Martens, 1830) |
– |
– |
S |
map |
images |
ostroústka válcovitá |
C. edentula
(Draparnaud, 1805) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
ostroústka bezzubá |
Truncatellina Lowe, 1852 |
T. claustralis
(Gredler, 1856) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
drobnička jižní |
T. costulata
(Nilsson, 1823) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
drobnička žebernatá |
T. cylindrica
(A. Férussac, 1807) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
drobnička válcovitá |
Argnidae | válcovkovití |
Argna Cossmann, 1889 |
A. bielzi
(Rossmässler, 1859) |
– |
– |
S |
map |
images |
válcovka karpatská |
Cochlicopidae | oblovkovití |
Cochlicopa A. Férussac,
1821 |
C. lubrica
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
oblovka lesklá |
C. lubricella
(Porro, 1838) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
oblovka drobná |
C. nitens
(M. von Gallenstein, 1848) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
oblovka slatinná |
Enidae | hladovkovití |
Chondrula Beck, 1837 |
C. tridens (O.
F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
trojzubka stepní |
Ena Turton, 1831 |
E. montana
(Draparnaud, 1801) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hladovka horská |
Merdigera Held, 1838 |
M. obscura
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
kalonoska chlumní |
Zebrina Held, 1838 |
Z. detrita
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
lačník stepní |
Orculidae | sudovkovití |
Orcula Held, 1838 |
O. dolium
(Draparnaud, 1801) |
– |
M |
S |
map |
images |
sudovka skalní |
Sphyradium Charpentier,
1837 |
S. doliolum
(Bruguière, 1792) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
soudkovka žebernatá |
Pagodulinidae | včelínkovití |
Pagodulina Clessin, 1876 |
P. pagodula
(Des Moulins, 1830) |
– |
M |
S |
map |
images |
včelínka ozdobná |
Pupillidae | zrnovkovití |
Pupilla Fleming, 1828 |
P. alpicola
(Charpentier, 1837) * |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
zrnovka alpská |
P. muscorum
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
zrnovka mechová |
P. sterrii
(Forster, 1840) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
zrnovka žebernatá |
P. triplicata
(Studer, 1820) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
zrnovka třízubá |
Pyramidulidae | kuželovkovití |
Pyramidula Fitzinger, 1833 |
P. pusilla
Gittenberger & Bank, 1996 |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
kuželovka skalní |
P. saxatilis
(Hartmann, 1842) * |
– |
– |
S |
map |
images |
kuželovka horská |
Spelaeodiscidae | trojníčkovití |
Spelaeodiscus Brusina,
1886 |
S. triarius
tatricus (Hazay, 1883) |
– |
– |
S! |
map |
images |
trojníček tatranský |
Valloniidae | údolníčkovití |
Vallonia Risso, 1826 |
V. costata
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
údolníček žebernatý |
V. declivis
Sterki, 1893 |
B |
– |
S |
map |
images |
údolníček velký |
V. enniensis
(Gredler, 1856) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
údolníček rýhovaný |
V. excentrica
Sterki, 1893 |
B |
M |
S |
images |
údolníček šikmý |
V. pulchella
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
údolníček drobný |
Acanthinula Beck, 1847 |
A. aculeata
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
ostnatka trnitá |
Vertiginidae | vrkočovití |
Vertigo O. F. Müller, 1773 |
V. alpestris
Alder, 1838 |
B |
M |
S |
images |
vrkoč horský |
V. angustior
Jeffreys, 1830 |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
vrkoč útlý |
V. antivertigo
(Draparnaud, 1801) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
vrkoč mnohozubý |
V. geyeri
Lindholm, 1925 |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
vrkoč Geyerův |
V. lilljeborgi
(Westerlund, 1871) |
B |
M |
– |
map |
images |
vrkoč rašelinný |
V. arctica
(Wallenberg, 1858) * |
– |
– |
S |
map |
images |
vrkoč severní |
V. moulinsiana
(Dupuy, 1849) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
vrkoč bažinný |
V. pusilla
O. F. Müller, 1774 |
B |
M |
S |
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vrkoč lesní |
V. pygmaea
(Draparnaud, 1801) |
B |
M |
S |
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vrkoč malinký |
V. ronnebyensis
(Westerlund, 1871) |
B |
– |
– |
map |
images |
vrkoč nordický |
V. substriata
(Jeffreys, 1833) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
vrkoč rýhovaný |
Clausiliidae | závornatkovití |
Alopia H. & A. Adams,
1855 |
A. bielzi
clathrata (E. A. Bielz, 1856) |
– |
– |
S! |
map |
images |
sivěnka ozdobná |
Cochlodina A. Férussac,
1821 |
C. cerata
(Rossmässler, 1836) |
– |
M! |
S |
map |
images |
vřetenovka vosková |
C. costata
(C. Pfeiffer, 1828) |
B |
M |
– |
images |
vřetenovka zaměněná |
C. dubiosa
corcontica Brabenec, 1967 |
B! |
– | – | images |
vřetenovka krkonošská |
C. fimbriata
(Rossmässler, 1835) |
– |
– | S |
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images |
vřetenovka skrytá |
C. laminata
(Montagu, 1803) |
B |
M |
S |
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vřetenovka hladká |
C. orthostoma
(Menke, 1828) |
B |
M |
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vřetenovka rovnoústá |
Charpentieria Stabile,
1864 |
C. ornata
(Rossmässler, 1836) |
B |
M |
– | images |
zdobenka tečkovaná |
Ruthenica Lindholm, 1924 |
R. filograna
(Rossmässler, 1836) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
žebernatěnka drobná |
Pseudofusulus H.
Nordsieck, 1977 |
P. varians
(C. Pfeiffer, 1828) |
B |
M† |
S |
map |
images |
vřetenec horský |
Macrogastra Hartmann, 1841 |
M. badia (C.
Pfeiffer, 1828) |
B |
M |
– | map |
images |
řasnatka tmavá |
M. borealis
(Boettger, 1878) * |
– |
M |
S |
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řasnatka žebernatá |
M. plicatula
(Draparnaud, 1801) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
řasnatka lesní |
M. tumida
(Rossmässler, 1835) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
řasnatka nadmutá |
M. ventricosa
(Draparnaud, 1801) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
řasnatka břichatá |
Clausilia Draparnaud, 1805 |
C. bidentata
(Strøm, 1765) |
B |
– |
– |
map |
images |
závornatka černavá |
C. cruciata
(Studer, 1820) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
závornatka křížatá |
C. dubia
Draparnaud, 1805 |
B |
M |
S |
images |
závornatka drsná |
C. pumila C.
Pfeiffer, 1828 |
B |
M |
S |
images |
závornatka kyjovitá |
C. rugosa
(Draparnaud, 1801) |
B | M |
S |
images |
závornatka malá |
Laciniaria Hartmann, 1842 |
L. plicata
(Draparnaud, 1801) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
mnohozubka evropská |
Alinda H. & A. Adams,
1855 |
A. biplicata
(Montagu, 1803) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
vřetenatka obecná |
Balea Gray, 1824 |
B. perversa
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hrotice obrácená |
Pseudalinda Boettger, 1877 |
P. stabilis
(L. Pfeiffer, 1847) |
– |
– | S |
map |
images |
vrutenka karpatská |
Vestia Hesse, 1916 |
V. elata
(Rossmässler, 1836) |
– |
– | S |
images |
nádolka vyvýšená |
V. gulo (E.
A. Bielz, 1859) |
– |
M |
S |
map |
images |
nádolka hrubá |
V. ranojevici
moravica (Brabenec, 1952) |
– |
M! |
– | map |
images |
nádolka moravská |
V. turgida
(Rossmässler, 1836) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
nádolka nadmutá |
Bulgarica O. Boettger,
1877 |
B. cana
(Held, 1836) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
vřetenka šedivá |
B. nitidosa
(Uličný, 1893) |
B! |
– | – | images |
vřetenka lesklá |
Ferussaciidae | bezočkovití |
Cecilioides A. Férussac,
1814 |
C. acicula
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
bezočka šídlovitá | ||
C. petitiana
(Benoit, 1862) |
– |
– | +S | map |
images |
bezočka středomořská |
Punctidae | boděnkovití |
Punctum Morse, 1864 |
P. pygmaeum
(Draparnaud, 1801) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
boděnka malinká |
Helicodiscidae | spirálníčkovití |
Lucilla R. T. Lowe, 1852 |
L. scintilla
(R. T. Lowe, 1852) * |
+B |
+M |
+S |
map |
images |
spirálovníček zemní |
L. singleyana (Pilsbry, 1889) | – | – | +S | map | images | spirálovníček bílý |
Discidae | vrásenkovití |
Discus Fitzinger, 1833 | |||||||
D. perspectivus (Megerle von Mühlfeld, 1816) | B | M | S | |
images | vrásenka orlojovitá |
D. rotundatus (O. F. Müller, 1774) | B | M | S | |
images | vrásenka okrouhlá |
D. ruderatus (Hartmann, 1821) | B | M | S | |
images | vrásenka pomezní |
Gastrodontidae | zemounkovití |
Aegopinella Lindholm, 1927 | |||||||
A. epipedostoma iuncta Hudec, 1964 | – | M | S | |
images | sítovka podhorská |
A. minor (Stabile, 1864) | B | M | S | |
images | sítovka suchomilná |
A. nitens
(Michaud, 1831) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
sítovka blyštivá |
A. nitidula
(Draparnaud, 1805) |
B |
M |
– |
images |
sítovka lesklá |
A. pura
(Alder, 1830) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
sítovka čistá |
A. ressmanni
(Westerlund, 1883) |
B |
– |
– |
map |
images |
sítovka dravá |
Perpolita H. B. Baker, 1928 * |
P. hammonis
(Strøm, 1765) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
blyštivka rýhovaná |
P. petronella
(L. Pfeiffer, 1853) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
blyštivka skleněná |
P. radiatella
(Reinhardt, 1877) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
blyštivka netušená |
Zonitoides Lehmann, 1862 |
Z. arboreus
(Say, 1817) |
– |
+M |
– |
map |
images |
zemounek lesní |
Z. nitidus
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
zemounek lesklý |
Oxychilidae | skelnatkovití |
Oxychilus Fitzinger, 1833 |
O. alliarius
(Miller, 1822) |
B |
– | – | map |
images |
skelnatka česneková |
O. cellarius
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
skelnatka drnová |
O. depressus
(Sterki, 1880) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
skelnatka stlačená |
O. deubeli
(A. J. Wagner, 1914) |
– |
– | S |
map |
images |
skelnatka východní |
O. draparnaudi
(Beck, 1837) |
+B |
+M |
+S |
images |
skelnatka západní |
O. glaber
(Rossmässler, 1835) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
skelnatka hladká |
O. hydatinus
(Rossmässler, 1838) |
– |
– | +S |
map |
images |
skelnatka malá |
O. inopinatus
(Uličný, 1887) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
skelnatka zemní |
O. mortilleti
(L. Pfeiffer, 1859) |
B(†) |
– | – | map |
images |
skelnatka horská |
Carpathica A. J. Wagner,
1895 |
C. calophana
(Westerlund, 1881) |
– |
– | S |
map |
images |
sklovitka karpatská |
Daudebardia Hartmann, 1821 |
D. brevipes
(Draparnaud, 1805) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
sklovatka krátkonohá |
D. rufa
(Draparnaud, 1805) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
sklovatka rudá |
Pristilomatidae | skelničkovití |
Vitrea Fitzinger, 1833 |
V. contracta
(Westerlund, 1871) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
skelnička stažená |
V. crystallina
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
skelnička průhledná |
V. diaphana
(Studer, 1820) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
skelnička průzračná |
V. subrimata
(Reinhardt, 1871) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
skelnička zjizvená |
V. transsylvanica
(Clessin, 1877) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
skelnička karpatská |
Euconulidae | kuželíkovití |
Euconulus Reinhardt, 1883 |
E. alderi
(Gray, 1840) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
kuželík tmavý |
E. fulvus (O.
F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
kuželík drobný |
Zonitidae | zemounovití |
Aegopis Fitzinger, 1833 |
A. verticillus
(Lamarck, 1822) |
B |
M |
– | images |
zemoun skalní |
Milacidae | plžicovití |
Tandonia Lessona &
Pollonera, 1882 |
T. budapestensis
(Hazay, 1880) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
plžice štíhlá |
T. kusceri
(Wagner, 1931) * |
– |
– |
+S |
map |
images |
plžice balkánská |
T. rustica
(Millet, 1843) * |
B |
– | – |
map | images |
plžice vroubená |
Agriolimacidae | slimáčkovití |
Deroceras Rafinesque, 1820 |
D. agreste
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
slimáček polní |
D. invadens
Reise, Hutchinson, Schunack & Schlitt, 2011 * |
+B |
+M |
+S |
map |
images |
slimáček invazní |
D. juranum
Wüthrich, 1993 * |
B |
– |
– |
map |
images |
slimáček jurský |
D. laeve (O.
F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
slimáček hladký |
D. praecox
Wiktor, 1966 |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
slimáček lesní |
D. reticulatum
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
slimáček síťkovaný |
D. rodnae
Grossu & Lupu, 1965 |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
slimáček světlý |
D. sturanyi
(Simroth, 1894) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
slimáček evropský |
D. turcicum
(Simroth, 1894) |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
slimáček balkánský |
Krynickillus Kaleniczenko,
1851 |
melanocephalus (Kaleniczenko, 1851) * |
– |
– |
+S |
map |
images |
slimáčkovec černohlavý |
Boettgerillidae | bledničkovití |
Boettgerilla Simroth, 1910 |
B. pallens
Simroth, 1912 |
+B |
+M |
+S |
images |
blednička útlá |
Limacidae | slimákovití |
Ambigolimax Pollonera,
1887 |
A. valentianus
(A. Férussac, 1821) * |
– | – | +S |
map |
images |
paslimák iberský |
Bielzia Clessin, 1887 | |||||||
B. coerulans
(M. Bielz, 1851) |
– |
M |
S |
map |
images |
modranka karpatská | |
Limax Linnaeus, 1758 |
L. cinereoniger
Wolf, 1803 |
B |
M |
S |
images |
slimák popelavý |
L. maximus
Linnaeus, 1758 |
B |
M |
S |
images |
slimák největší |
Limacus Lehmann, 1864 |
L. flavus
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
+B |
+M |
S |
map |
images |
slimákovec pestrý |
L. maculatus
(Kaleniczenko, 1851) * |
– |
+M |
– |
map |
images |
slimákovec skvrnitý |
Malacolimax Malm, 1868 |
M. tenellus
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
plžík žlutý |
Lehmannia Heynemann, 1863 |
L. carpatica
Hutchinson, Reise & Schlitt, 2022 * |
– |
M |
S |
map |
images |
podkornatka tečkovaná |
macroflagellata Grossu & Lupu, 1962 |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
podkornatka karpatská |
L. marginata
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
podkornatka žíhaná |
Vitrinidae | skleněnkovití |
Semilimax Gray, 1847 |
S. kotulae
(Westerlund, 1883) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
slimáčník horský |
S. semilimax
(J. Férussac, 1802) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
slimáčník táhlý |
Eucobresia H. B. Baker,
1929 |
E. diaphana
(Draparnaud, 1805) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
slimáčnice průhledná |
E. nivalis
(Dumont & Mortillet, 1854) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
slimáčnice lesní |
Vitrina Draparnaud, 1801 |
V. pellucida
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
skleněnka průsvitná |
Arionidae | plzákovití |
Arion A. Férussac, 1819 |
A. circumscriptus
Johnston, 1828 |
B |
M |
– |
images |
plzák žíhaný |
A. distinctus
Mabille, 1868 |
B |
M |
S |
images |
plzák zahradní |
A. fasciatus
(Nilsson, 1823) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
plzák žlutopruhý |
A. fuscus (O.
F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
plzák hnědý |
A. intermedius
Normand, 1852 * |
B |
M |
+S |
map |
images |
plzák nejmenší |
A. obesoductus
Reischütz, 1973 |
B |
M |
– |
map |
images |
plzák alpský |
A. rufus
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
plzák lesní |
A. silvaticus
Lohmander, 1937 |
B |
M |
S |
images |
plzák hajní |
A. vulgaris
Moquin-Tandon, 1855 |
+B |
+M |
+S |
images |
plzák španělský |
Camaenidae | kaménovití |
Fruticicola Held, 1838 |
F. fruticum
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
keřovka plavá |
Helicodontidae | trojlaločkovití |
Helicodonta A. Férussac,
1821 |
H. obvoluta
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
trojlaločka pyskatá |
Hygromiidae | vlahovkovití |
Euomphalia Westerlund,
1889 |
E. strigella (Draparnaud, 1801) | B |
M |
S |
images |
keřnatka vrásčitá |
Monacha Fitzinger, 1833 |
M. cartusiana
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
+B |
M |
S |
images |
tmavoretka bělavá | ||
M. claustralis
(Rossmässler, 1834) * |
+B |
– | – | map |
images |
tmavoretka jižní |
Trochulus Chemnitz, 1786 |
T. hispidus
(Linnaeus, 1758) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
srstnatka chlupatá |
T. striolatus
danubialis (Clessin, 1874) |
– |
– | S |
map |
images |
srstnatka rýhovaná |
T. villosulus
(Rossmässler, 1838) |
– |
M |
S |
images |
srstnatka huňatá |
Petasina Beck, 1847 |
P. bakowskii
(Poliński, 1924) |
– |
– | S |
map |
images |
chlupatka horská |
P. bielzi (E.
A. Bielz, 1860) |
– |
– | S |
map |
images |
chlupatka východní |
P. edentula
(Draparnaud, 1805) |
B |
– | – | map |
images |
chlupatka bezzubá |
P. filicina
(L. Pfeiffer, 1841) |
– |
– | S |
map |
chlupatka alpská |
P. unidentata
(Draparnaud, 1805) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
chlupatka jednozubá |
Plicuteria Schileyko, 1978 |
P. lubomirski
(Ślósarski, 1881) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
nábělka karpatská |
Perforatella Schlüter,
1838 |
P. bidentata
(Gmelin, 1791) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
vlahovka lužní |
P. dibotrion
(E. A. Bielz, 1860) |
– |
– | S |
map |
images |
vlahovka východní |
P. incarnata
(O. F. Müller, 1774) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
vlahovka narudlá |
P. vicina
(Rossmässler, 1842) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
vlahovka karpatská |
Pseudotrichia Schileyko,
1970 |
P. rubiginosa
(Rossmässler, 1838) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
ochlupka rezavá |
Urticicola Lindholm, 1927 |
U. umbrosus
(C. Pfeiffer, 1828) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
žihlobytka stinná |
Lozekia Hudec, 1970 |
L. transsilvanica
(Westerlund, 1876) |
– |
– | S |
map |
images |
vojenka sedmihradská |
Hygromia Risso, 1826 |
H. cinctella
(Draparnaud, 1801) * |
+B |
– | +S |
map |
images |
tenkostěnka kýlnatá |
Geomitridae | suchomilkovití |
Helicopsis Fitzinger, 1833 |
H. striata
(O. F. Müller, 1774) * |
B |
M† |
S |
map |
images |
suchorypka rýhovaná |
Candidula Kobelt, 1871 |
C. unifasciata
(Poiret, 1801) |
B(†) |
M |
S |
images |
suchobělka bělavá |
Helicella A. Férussac,
1821 |
H. itala
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
– | map |
images |
sucholibka ladní |
Xerolenta Monterosato,
1892 |
X. obvia
(Menke, 1828) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
suchomilka obecná |
Cernuella Schlüter, 1838 |
C. neglecta
(Draparnaud, 1805) |
+B |
– | – | images |
suchobytka přehlížená |
Helicidae | hlemýžďovití |
Arianta Turton, 1831 |
A. arbustorum
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
plamatka lesní |
Helicigona A. Férussac,
1821 |
H. lapicida
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
– | images |
skalnice kýlnatá |
Faustina Kobelt, 1904 |
F. cingulella
(Rossmässler, 1837) |
– |
– | S |
map |
images |
skalnatka horská |
F. faustina
(Rossmässler, 1835) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
skalnatka lepá |
F. rossmaessleri
(L. Pfeiffer, 1848) |
– |
– | S |
map |
images |
skalnatka malá |
Isognomostoma Fitzinger,
1833 |
I. isognomostomos
(Schröter, 1784) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
zuboústka trojzubá |
Causa Schileyko, 1971 |
C. holosericea
(Studer, 1820) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
aksamítka sametová |
Cepaea Held, 1838 |
C. hortensis
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
páskovka keřová |
C. nemoralis
(Linnaeus, 1758) * |
+B |
+M |
+S | map |
images |
páskovka hajní |
Caucasotachea Boettger, 1909 | |||||||
vindobonensis (C. Pfeiffer, 1828) * |
B |
M |
S |
map |
images |
papáskovka žíhaná |
Cornu Born, 1778 |
C. aspersum
(O. F. Müller, 1774) * |
+B |
+M | +S | map |
images |
hlemýždík kropenatý |
Helix Linnaeus, 1758 |
H. lucorum
Linnaeus, 1758 |
+B |
– |
+S |
map |
images |
hlemýžď balkánský |
H. lutescens
Rossmässler, 1837 |
– |
– |
S |
map |
images |
hlemýžď žlutavý |
H. pomatia
Linnaeus, 1758 |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hlemýžď zahradní |
H. thessalica
Boettger, 1886 * |
– |
M |
S |
map | images |
hlemýžď pruhovaný |
mlži |
Heteroconchia | |||||||
Palaeoheterodonta | |||||||
Unionoida | |||||||
Margaritiferidae | perlorodkovití |
Margaritifera Schumacher,
1815 |
M. margaritifera
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M† |
– |
map | images |
perlorodka říční |
Unionidae | velevrubovití |
Unio Philipsson, 1788 |
U. crassus
Philipsson, 1788 |
B |
M |
S |
map | images |
velevrub tupý |
U. nanus
Lamarck, 1819 * |
B |
M? |
S |
velevrub malý |
U. pictorum
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map | images |
velevrub malířský |
U. tumidus
Philipsson, 1788 |
B |
M |
S |
map | images |
velevrub nadmutý |
Anodonta Lamarck, 1799 |
A. anatina
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map | images |
škeble říční |
A. cygnea
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
map | images |
škeble rybničná |
Pseudanodonta Bourguignat,
1877 |
P. complanata
(Rossmässler, 1835) |
B |
M |
S |
map | images |
škeblička plochá |
Sinanodonta Modell, 1945 |
S. woodiana
(Lea, 1834) |
+B |
+M |
+S |
map | images |
škeblice asijská |
Heterodonta | |||||||
Veneroida | |||||||
Corbiculidae | korbikulovití |
Corbicula Megerle von
Mühlfeld, 1811 |
C. fluminea
(O. F. Müller, 1774) * |
+B |
+M |
+S |
map | images |
korbikula asijská |
Sphaeriidae | okružankovití |
Sphaerium Scopoli, 1777 |
S. corneum
(Linnaeus, 1758) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
okružanka rohovitá |
S. lacustre
(O. F. Müller, 1774) * |
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S |
images |
okružanka rybničná |
S. nucleus
(Studer, 1820) |
B |
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images |
okružanka mokřadní |
S. rivicola
(Lamarck, 1818) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
okružanka říční |
S. solidum
(Normand, 1844) |
– |
– |
+S |
map |
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okružanka žebernatá |
Pisidium C. Pfeiffer, 1821 |
P. amnicum
(O. F. Müller, 1774) |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hrachovka říční |
Euglesa Jenyns, 1832 |
E. casertana
(Poli, 1791) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hráškovka obecná |
E. globularis
(Clessin, 1873) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hráškovka kulovitá |
E. henslowana
(Sheppard, 1825) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hráškovka hrbolatá |
E. hibernica
(Westerlund, 1894) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hráškovka severní |
E. milium
(Held, 1836) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hráškovka prosná |
E. nitida
(Jenyns, 1832) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hráškovka lesklá |
E. obtusalis
(Lamarck, 1818) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hráškovka tupá |
E. personata
(Malm, 1855) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hráškovka malinká |
pseudosphaerium (J. Favre, 1927) * |
B |
M |
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images |
hráškovka okružankovitá |
E. subtruncata
(Malm, 1855) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hráškovka otupená |
E. supina
(A. Schmidt, 1851) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hráškovka obrácená |
Odhneripisidium Kuiper,
1962 |
moitessierianum (Paladilhe, 1866) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hrachovečka nepatrná |
tenuilineatum (Stelfox, 1918) * |
B |
M |
S |
images |
hrachovečka čárkovaná |
Dreissenidae | slávičkovití |
Dreissena Van Beneden,
1835 |
D. polymorpha
(Pallas, 1771) |
+B |
+M |
+S |
images |
slávička mnohotvárná |
D. rostriformis
(Deshayes, 1838) * |
– | – |
+S |
map |
images |
slávička kvaga |
Comment to Bythinella species
Bythinella austriaca (von Frauenfeld, 1857) – There are three more species, by their shell morphology similar to B. austriaca, reported from Slovakia: B. hungarica (Hazay, 1881), B. metarubra (Falniowski, 1987) and B. steffeki Grego & Glöer, 2019. The latter species has been described based on a single population in the Slovenský kras Mts., the area with frequent occurrence of B. austriaca, using only shell and genital morphology. It has been unshakeably proven (e.g. Bichain et al. 2007) that classical morphological descriptors may not constitute valid specific criteria within Bythinella. Without an integrative taxonomical study, delimiting these putative species based on both mitochondrial and nuclear gene fragments, and without the association of these species with shell morphology, we cannot accept these names as biologically valid taxa. There is no evidence to support an assumption that these species are not only extremes within (eco-)morphological plasticity of a single species, i.e. B. austriaca. Grego & Glöer (2019) stated: “The COI sequence in the GenBank under number MK673142 indicates a close relation of the new species to some of the B. austriaca clades.”, which in other words says that there is no genetic difference (at least based on COI gene) between B. austriaca and B. steffeki. The phylogenetic analysis published by Benke et al. (2009) clearly showed that B. austriaca and B. metarubra are genetically the same.
Comments to species names and new records
Viviparus acerosus Bourguignat, 1862 – for the first time recorded in Bohemia in 2015, see Beran et al. (2019).
Melanoides tuberculata (O. F. Müller, 1774) – for the first time recorded in Moravia in 2023, see Coufal & Beran (2024).
Clathrocaspia knipowitschii (Makarov, 1938) – for the first time recorded in Slovakia in 2019, see Szekeres et al. (2022).
Hauffenia kissdalmae Erőss & Petró, 2008 – see Haase et al. (2021).
Hauffenia lozekiana Haase, Grego, Eröss, Farkas & Fehér, 2021 – see Haase et al. (2021).
Stagnicola palustris (O. F. Müller, 1774) and Stagnicola turricula (Held, 1836) – taxonomic status follows Pieńkowska et al. (2015a).
Ladislavella Dybowski, 1913 – originally as Catascopia Meier-Brook & Bargues, 2002. Nomenclature follows Pieńkowska et al. (2015a) and Pieńkowska & Lesicki (2018).
Ladislavella occulta (Jackiewicz, 1959) – European populations were for some time reported under the name L. terebra (Westerlund, 1885), see Pieńkowska & Lesicki (2018). The first record in Slovakia near the village of Senné (Čejka et al. 2020).
Ampullaceana ampla (Hartmann, 1821) – for taxonomy see Aksenova et al. (2023).
Ampullaceana balthica (Linnaeus, 1758) – for taxonomy see Aksenova et al. (2023).
Radix lagotis (Schrank, 1803) – for the first records, see Čejka et al. (2021). For taxonomy see Aksenova et al. (2023).
Peregriana peregra (O. F. Müller, 1774) – for taxonomy see Aksenova et al. (2023).
Physa acuta (Draparnaud, 1805) – see comments in Welter-Schultes (2012), p. 56.
Planorbella duryi (Wetherby, 1879) – for the first time recorded in Slovakia in 2023, see Čejka et al. (2024).
Gyraulus parvus (Say, 1817) – current genetic investigation revealed that G. parvus and G. laevis are in fact part of the same species-level clade, with the former having nomenclatural priority (Lorencová et al. 2021). However, the structure within the mitochondrial tree suggests a North American origin of the invasive populations, earlier reported as G. parvus. It also suggests that although the native race in Europe, i.e. G. laevis, tend to possess some differences in conchology and ecology, the degree of overlap between the races makes it impossible to accurately distinguish between them without the DNA barcode data.
Ferrissia californica (Rowell, 1863) – originally as F. fragilis (Tryon, 1863), see Christensen (2016). Sometimes even a month matters in description of a new species.
Pupilla alpicola (Charpentier, 1837) – conspecific with Pupilla pratensis (Clessin, 1871), see Nekola et al. (2015).
Pyramidulla saxatilis (Hartmann, 1842) – species resurrected based on DNA from synonymy with P. rupestris, but it cannot be differentiated by shell morphology from P. pusilla. Only one site has been reported from Veľká Fatra Mts. based on DNA analysis of specimens from that site, see Kirchner et al. (2016) and Razkin et al. (2016, 2017).
Vertigo arctica (Wallenberg, 1858) – Nekola et al. (2018) consider it as a separate species, phylogenetically not closely related to V. modesta (Say, 1824).
Macrogastra borealis (Boettger, 1878) – Due to some nomenclatorial issues (see the well-known name Macrogastra latestriata (Schmidt, 1857) had to be substituted by M. borealis (Boettger, 1878).
Lucilla scintilla (R. T. Lowe, 1852) – for the first time recorded in Moravia near Mikulčice in 2014, L. Polášek lgt., M. Horsák det. et coll.
Perpolita H. B. Baker, 1928 – taxonomy and nomenclature follows Saito et al. (2024).
Perpolita hammonis (Strøm, 1765) – taxonomy and nomenclature follows Saito et al. (2024).
Perpolita petronella (L. Pfeiffer, 1853) – taxonomy and nomenclature follows Saito et al. (2024).
Perpolita radiatella (Reinhardt, 1877) – it was elevated to valid species in 2024 (Saito et al. 2024). Its presence was comfirmed from Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia.
Euconulus alderi (Gray, 1840) [syn. E. praticola (Reinhardt, 1883)] – taxonomy and nomenclature follow Horsáková et al. (2020).
Tandonia kusceri (Wagner, 1931) and T. rustica (Millet, 1843) – see Korábek et al. (2016a).
Deroceras invadens Reise, Hutchinson, Schunack & Schlitt, 2011 – for the first time recorded in Bohemia in 2014, see Hutchinson et al. (2014); and in Slovakia in 2017, see Čejka (2018).
Deroceras juranum Wüthrich, 1993 – see Hutchinson & Reise (2009).
Krynickillus melanocephalus Kaleniczenko, 1851 – for the first time recorded outdoors in Slovakia in 2020, see Čejka et al. (2021).
Ambigolimax valentianus (Férussac, 1822) – for the first time recorded outdoors in Slovakia in 2020, see Čejka et al. (2021). Originally as Lehmannia Heynemann, 1863, for the current genus assignment see Nitz (2013) and Rowson et al. (2014).
Limacus maculatus (Kaleniczenko, 1851) – for the first time recorded in Moravia in 2019, see Čejka et al. (2020).
Lehmannia carpatica Hutchinson, Reise & Schlitt, 2022 – originally reported as L. nyctelia (Bourguignat, 1861) and later also as Ambigolimax nyctelius (Bourguignat, 1861); see Nitz (2013) and Rowson et al. (2014) for details. Hutchinson et al. (2022) noted that the name L. nyctelia (Bourguignat, 1861) was used for five different species and raised the new name for the Carpathian populations as L. carpatica, since the original name Limax nyctelius, based on the Algerian matrerial, is now to be known as Letourneuxia nyctelia (Bourguignat, 1861).
Arion intermedius Normand, 1852 – for the first time recorded outdoors in Slovakia in 2020, see Čejka et al. (2021).Monacha claustralis (Rossmässler, 1834) – originally reported as Monacha cantiana (Montagu, 1803) by Hlaváč & Peltanová (2010); for further details see Pieńkowska et al. (2015b).
Trochulus hispidus (Linnaeus, 1758) – T. sericeus (Draparnaud, 1801) was confirmed to be a part of phenotypic and genetic plasticity, now being recognized as a younger synonym of T. hispidus, see Proćków et al. (2017).
Perforatella incarnata (O. F. Müller, 1774) – Monachoides incarnatus (O. F. Müller, 1774) was moved to the genus Perforatella Schlüter, 1838, see Adamcová et al. (2024).
Perforatella vicina (Rossmässler, 1842) – Monachoides vicinus (Rossmässler, 1842) was moved to the genus Perforatella Schlüter, 1838, see Adamcová et al. (2024).
Hygromia cinctella (Draparnaud, 1801) – for the first time recorded in Slovakia in 2015, see Čejka (2015a) and Krumpálová & Holienková (2018).
Helicopsis striata (O. F. Müller, 1774) – a viable population was found in Prague, see Podroužková et al. (2021).
Cepaea nemoralis (Linnaeus, 1758) – for the first time recorded in Slovakia in 2015, see Čejka (2015a) and Krumpálová & Holienková (2018).
Caucasotachea vindobonensis (C. Pfeiffer, 1828) – see Neiber et al. (2016).
Cornu aspersum (O. F. Müller, 1774) – for the first time recorded in Slovakia in 2015, see Čejka (2015b). For the first time recorded in Moravia in 2020, see Čejka et al. (2021).
Helix thessalica Boettger, 1886 – see Korábek et al. (2016b).
Unio nanus Lamarck, 1819 – see Lopes-Lima et al. (2024). Unio nanus was not comfirmed in Moravia yet.
Corbicula fluminea (O. F. Müller, 1774) – for the first time recorded in Moravia in 2018, see Komzák et al. (2018).
Sphaerium lacustre (O. F. Müller, 1774) – see Bespalaya et al. (2023).
Euglesa casertana (Poli, 1791) – see Bespalaya et al. (2023).
Euglesa globularis (Clessin, 1873) – see Bespalaya et al. (2023).
Euglesa henslowana (Sheppard, 1825) – see Bespalaya et al. (2023).
Euglesa hibernica (Westerlund, 1894) – see Bespalaya et al. (2023).
Euglesa milium (Held, 1836) – see Bespalaya et al. (2023).
Euglesa nitida (Jenyns, 1832) – see Bespalaya et al. (2023).
Euglesa obtusalis (Lamarck, 1818) – see Bespalaya et al. (2023).
Euglesa personata (Malm, 1855) – see Bespalaya et al. (2023).
Euglesa pseudosphaerium (J. Favre, 1927) – the authorship should be ascribed to Favre, see Bank (2011). See Bespalaya et al. (2023).
Euglesa subtruncata (Malm, 1855) – see Bespalaya et al. (2023).
Euglesa supina (A. Schmidt, 1851) – see Bespalaya et al. (2023).
Odhneripisidium moitessierianum (Paladilhe, 1866) – see Bespalaya et al. (2023).
Odhneripisidium tenuilineatum (Stelfox, 1918) – see Bespalaya et al. (2023).
Dreissena rostriformis (Deshayes, 1838) – for the first time recorded in Slovakia in 2013 (Čejka et al. 2020).
Adamcová T., Juřičková L., Proćków M., Neubert E., Petrusek A. & Korábek O., 2024: Taxonomic revision and dissolution of the genus Monachoides (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora). – Zoologica Scripta.
Aksenova O. V., Bolotov I. N., Gofarov M. Y., Kondakov A. V., Vinarski M. V., Bespalaya Y. V., Kolosova Y. S., Palatov D. M., Sokolova S. E., Spitsyn V. M., Tomilova A. A., Travina O. V. & Vikhrev I. V., 2023: Species Richness, Molecular Taxonomy and Biogeography of the Radicine Pond Snails (Gastropoda: Lymnaeidae) in the Old World. – Scientific Reports, 8: 11199.
Bank R. A., 2011: Authorships and Publication Dates in Malacology: some notes on the 2011 French Checklist of Welter-Schultes & al. – Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft, 86: 13–24.
Benke M., Brändle M., Albrecht C. & Wilke T., 2009: Pleistocene phylogeography and phylogenetic concordance in cold‐adapted spring snails (Bythinella spp.). – Molecular Ecology, 18: 890–903.
Bespalaya Y. V., Vinarski M. V., Aksenova O. V., Babushkin E. S., Gofarov M. Y., Kondakov A. V., Konopleva E. S., Kropotin A. V., Mabrouki Y., Ovchankova N. B., Palatov D. M., Sokolova S. E., Shevchenko A. R., Travina O. V., Taybi A. F., Soboleva A. A., Zubrii N. A. & Bolotov I. N., 2023: Phylogeny, taxonomy, and biogeography of the Sphaeriinae (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae). – Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zlad139.
Beran L., Horsák M. & Hofman S., 2019: First records of Viviparus acerosus (Bourguignat, 1862) (Gastropoda: Viviparidae) from the Czech Republic outside its native range. – Folia Malacologica, 27(3): 223–229.
Bichain J. M., Gaubert P., Samadi S. & Boisselier-Dubayle M. C., 2007: A gleam in the dark: Phylogenetic species delimitation in the confusing spring-snail genus Bythinella Moquin-Tandon, 1856 (Gastropoda: Rissooidea: Amnicolidae). – Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 45(3): 927–941.
Coufal & Beran L., 2024: First occurrence of Melanoides tuberculata (O. F. Müller, 1774) in an open environment in the Czech Republic. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 23: 34–36.
Čejka T., 2015a: Three new mollusc species for Slovakia - result of one visit of the garden centre. – Malacological Bulletin, August 7, 2015,
Čejka T., 2015b: Brown garden snail - Cornu
aspersum (O. F. Müller, 1774) in Slovakia. – Malacological
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Čejka T., Beran L., Korábek O., Hlaváč J. Č., Horáčková J., Coufal R., Drvotová M., Maňas M., Horsáková V. & Horsák M., 2020: Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2015–2019. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 19: 71–106.
Čejka T., Beran L., Adamcová T., Bronišová V., Coufal R., Čiliak M., Drvotová M., Horáčková J., Horsáková V., Juřičková L., Kocurková A., Korábek O., Podroužková Š., Říhová D. B., Šlachtová E. & Horsák M., 2024: Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2023. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 23: 69–83.
Christensen C. C., 2016: Change of status and name for a Hawaiian freshwater limpet: Ancylus sharpi Sykes, 1900 is the invasive North American Ferrissia californica (Rowell, 1863), formerly known as Ferrissia fragilis (Tryon, 1863) (Gastropoda: Planorbidae: Ancylinae). – Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, 118: 5–8.
Grego J. & Glöer P., 2019: A new Bythinella (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Rissooidea) in the Slovak Republic. – Ecologica Montenegrina, 21: 80–85.
Haase M., Grego J., Erőss Z. P., Farkas R. & Fehér Z., 2021: On the origin and diversification of the stygobiotic freshwater snail genus Hauffenia (Caenogastropoda: Hydrobiidae) with special focus on the northern species and the description of two new species. – European Journal of Taxonomy, 775: 143–184.
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Lopes-Lima M., Geist J., Egg S., Beran L., Bikashvili A., Van Bocxlaer B., Bogan A. E., Bolotov I. N., Chelpanovskaya O. A., Douda K., Fernandes V., Gomes-dos-Santos A., Gonçalves D. V., Gürlek M. E., Johnson N. A., Karaouzas I., Kebapçı Ü., Kondakov A. V., Kuehn R., Lajtner J., Mumladze L., Nagel K-O., Neubert E., Österling M., Pfeiffer J., Prié V., Riccardi N., Sell J., Schneider L. D., Shumka S., Sîrbu I., Skujienė G., Smith C. H., Sousa R., Stöckl K., Taskinen J., Teixeira A., Todorov M., Trichkova T., Urbańska M., Välilä S., Varandas S., Veríssimo J., Vikhrev I. V., Woschitz G., Zając K., Zając T., Zanatta D., Zieritz A., Zogaris S. & Froufe E., 2024: Integrative phylogenetic, phylogeographic and morphological characterisation of the Unio crassus species complex reveals cryptic diversity with important conservation implications. – Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 108046.
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Nekola J. C., Chiba S., Coles B. F., Drost C. A., von Proschwitz T. & Horsák M., 2018: A phylogenetic overview of the genus Vertigo O. F. Müller, 1773 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Pupillidae: Vertigininae). – Malacologia, 62: 21–161.
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Pieńkowska J. R, Manganelli G., Giusti F. & Lesicki A., 2015b: Monacha claustralis (Rossmässler 1834) new to Polish and Czech malacofauna (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Hygromiidae). – Journal of Conchology, 42: 79–93.
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