Malacologica Bohemoslovaca 
eISSN 1336-6939
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Rozšírenie, ekológia a ochrana kotúľky štíhlej (Anisus
vorticulus) na Slovensku
Distribution, ecology and conservation of the Little whirlpool
ramshorn snail (Anisus vorticulus) in Slovakia
Tomáš Čejka, Ján Černecký & Viktória Ďuricová
The main aim of this article is to summarise data on the biology and conservation of the Western Palaearctic planorbid gastropod Anisus vorticulus (Troschel, 1834). This aquatic gastropod is a threatened species at European level and endangered species in Slovakia according to IUCN red list classification. This paper also deals with comprehensive data on the species distribution in Slovakia between 1953 and 2019. According to the Habitat Directive, Slovakia realised regular monitoring of the species at 10 permanent monitoring plots and established 11 sites of community interest (SCI) within the NATURA 2000 network exclusively for its protection. In results, there are monitoring assessments available as well as the overall assessment of the species conservation status. In the last twenty years, Anisus vorticulus has been confirmed in Slovakia at 23 sites. The most recent research shows that the species prefers small and old drainage ditches (36% out of all its sites) and plesiopotamal channels, flooded by surface water only at a high water table levels (25% of sites). To a lesser extent, the species also inhabits stagnant water bodies which are not in contact with surface floods (i.e. paleopotamal; 16% of sites).Keywords: distributional data, species mapping, NATURA 2000
Čejka T., Černecký J. & Ďuricová V., 2020: Rozšírenie, ekológia a ochrana kotúľky štíhlej (Anisus vorticulus) na Slovensku [Distribution, ecology and conservation of the Little whirlpool ramshorn snail (Anisus vorticulus) in Slovakia]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 19: 9–19. https://doi.org/10.5817/MaB2020-19-9
Publication date: 27. 2. 2020. PDF (14.8 MB)

Copyright © 2020 Published by Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University