Malacologica Bohemoslovaca 
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Příspěvek k poznání měkkýšů CHKO Český les
A contribution to the knowledge of molluscs of the Český les PLA
Štěpánka Podroužková, Magda Drvotová, Jan Podroužek & Eva Šizlingová
This paper presents the most interesting findings from inventory surveys of small-scale protected areas in the Český les PLA from 2020 and 2021. The total number of mollusc species in the Český les has increased by two wetland species, Vertigo angustior and V. antivertigo. Several localities have been added to the single site of Nesovitrea petronella and the until recently undifferentiated slug Arion obesoductus. In some reserves the results can be compared with previous surveys, and from three others we present the first data on the occurrence of molluscs.
Keywords: Mollusca, Český les, Vertigo angustior, faunistics
Podroužková Š., Drvotová M., Podroužek J. & Šizlingová E., 2022: Příspěvek k poznání měkkýšů CHKO Český les [A contribution to the knowledge of molluscs of the Český les PLA]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 21: 120–131. https://doi.org/10.5817/MaB2022-21-120
Publication date: 15. 12. 2022. PDF
(22.9 MB)
Copyright © 2022 Published by Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University