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Měkkýši Trojské kotliny a okolí v Praze
Molluscs of the Trojská kotlina and its surroundings in Prague

Štěpánka Podroužková, Dagmar Říhová, Jana Škodová, Alena Kocurková, Magda Drvotová & Lucie Juřičková

The Troja hills and slopes are located on the right bank of the Vltava River on the northern periphery of Prague. The mollusc fauna of certain parts of the territory has been regularly observed by Vojen Ložek since 1987. In 2021–2022 these parts were revised together with other sites in the Drahaň – Troja Natural Park. At 63 localities, 65 mollusc species (56 land gastropods, 9 aquatic species) were recorded. Due to overgrowing of abandoned fields and pastures, forest gastropods dominated (30.8%), followed by ubiquists (30.8%). The open-ground dwellers used to be more common but now declined to 16.9%. These are supplemented by hygrophilous, wetland (7.7%), and aquatic species (13.8%) on the bottoms of some valleys.

Keywords: faunistics, Prague molluscs, alien species

Podroužková Š., Říhová D., Škodová J., Kocurková A., Drvotová M. & Juřičková L., 2022: Měkkýši Trojské kotliny a okolí v Praze [Molluscs of the Trojská kotlina and its surroundings in Prague]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 21: 65–94.

Publication date: 5. 12. 2022. PDF (63 MB) Creative Commons License

Supporting information:
Appendix 1.

Map with localities.
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1. Měkkýši jihovýchodních údolí Prahy [Molluscs of the southeastern valleys of Prague]
Dagmar Říhová, Štěpánka Podroužková, Alena Kocurková, Magda Drvotová, Jana Škodová, Jan Oravec, Lucie Juřičková
Malacologica Bohemoslovaca  ročník:  23,  první strana:  42,  rok:  2024

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