Malacologica Bohemoslovaca 
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Malakofauna vybraných skalních a hradních lokalit v okolí Brandýsa
nad Orlicí a nový druh pro údolí Tiché Orlice
Molluscan fauna of selected rocky and castle localities around Brandýs
nad Orlicí and one new species of the Tichá Orlice River valley
Barbora Kadlecová & Jakub Vácha
Altogether, 40 mollusc species were recorded during the research of five localities in the Tichá Orlice River valley (East Bohemia, Czech Republic). The high species richness is in accordance with high habitat diversity of the studied area. One new species (Oxychilus glaber) was recorded for the first time in the Tichá Orlice River valley.
Keywords: faunistics, Tichá Orlice valley, species richness, castle ruin, rocky habitats
Kadlecová B. & Vácha J., 2017: Malakofauna vybraných skalních a hradních lokalit v okolí Brandýsa nad Orlicí a nový druh pro údolí Tiché Orlice [Molluscan fauna of selected rocky and castle localities around Brandýs nad Orlicí and one new species of the Tichá Orlice River valley]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 16: 98–103. https://doi.org/10.5817/MaB2017-16-98
Publication date: 13. 9. 2017. PDF
(448 kB)
Copyright © 2017 Published by Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University