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Malakofauna pohoria Bachureň (východné Slovensko)
Malacofauna of the Bachureň Mts. (Eastern Slovakia)

Marek Čiliak & Jozef Šteffek

The Bachureň Mts. are the least known orographic unit of Slovakia from the malacological point of view, therefore it was important to fill this gap in the faunistic research of malacofauna in Slovakia. In order to achieve the maximum mollusc diversity of the Bachureň Mts., various habitat types were the subject of interest. Field work was conducted in the years 2009–2011 at 78 sites. Altogether 108 mollusc species were recorded. In total, nearly 20 000 specimens were collected and identified. Half of all recorded species were representatives of woodland species s. l. From zoogeographical point of view, species with cosmopolitan, Euro-Siberian and Central European distribution made up the highest proportion. Carpathian species were numerous as well. Across the whole mountain, West Carpathian species (Petasina unidentata, Plicuteria lubomirskii and Trochulus villosulus) encountered the species with centre in eastern part of the Carpathians (Perforatella dibothrion, Pseudalinda stabilis, Oxychilus orientalis and Vestia gulo). On the basis of spatial distribution of sensitive species indicating undisturbance of habitats, the most valuable biotopes showed to be springs, wetlands and riparian vegetation along the upper parts of the streams with Acicula parcelineata, Bulgarica cana, Macrogastra latestriata, Vertigo angustior, V. antivertigo, V. substriata, and Cochlicopa nitens. Valuable biotopes were dolomite rocks with the occurrence of relict steppe with Pupilla triplicata and well-preserved scree woodlands with V. substriata and B. cana as well.

Keywords: Mollusca, Slovakia, faunistics

Čiliak M. & Šteffek J., 2013: Malakofauna pohoria Bachureň (východné Slovensko) [Malacofauna of the Bachureň Mts. (Eastern Slovakia)]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 12: 1–13.

Publication date: 17. 1. 2013. PDF (7.1 MB) Creative Commons License

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1. Ulitníky pseudokrasovej tiesňavy Parkaň v pohorí Bachureň na východnom Slovensku [Gastropods of the Parkaň pseudokarst gorge in the Bachureň Mountains in Eastern Slovakia]
Jakub Repaský, Dagmar Říhová, Kateřina Kubíková, Radovan Coufal, Jan Oravec, Lucie Juřičková
Malacologica Bohemoslovaca  ročník:  24,  první strana:  1,  rok:  2025

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