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Suchozemská malakofauna malokarpatských potočných jelšín a priľahlých porastov
Terrestrial molluscan assemblages in alder alluvial forests and adjacent forests in the Small Carpathians (SW Slovakia)

Juraj Čačaný

A total of 56 species of land snails and 9 freshwater species were recorded at 22 alluvial forest sites (14 alder sites, 8 beech or hornbeam sites) in the Small Carpathian Mts. (SW Slovakia) during the researches in 2008–2009. Fifty two species were recorded in alder carrs and 32 species in adjacent forests. Woodland species sensu stricto (17 species, 32.7%) and euryecious species (10 species, 19.2%) predominated in alder forests. Dominant ecological groups in beech and hornbeam forests were woodland species sensu stricto (14 species, 43.8%) and woodland eurytopic species (6 species, 18.8%). There were 28 species (433 individuals) at the highest species richness site (Lozorno, alder carr). Generally, the species richness was higher in alder forests in comparison to beech or hornbeam forests. As expected, there was a higher number of species at the carbonate sites than non-carbonate sites. The following species were recorded in the Small Carpathian Mts. for the first time: Deroceras rodnae s. lat. Grossu et Lupu, 1965, Deroceras turcicum (Simroth, 1894) and freshwater snail Gyraulus rossmaessleri (Auerswald, 1852).

Keywords: terrestrial gastropods, distribution, submontane alder carr, alluvium

Čačaný J., 2012: Suchozemská malakofauna malokarpatských potočných jelšín a priľahlých porastov [Terrestrial molluscan assemblages in alder alluvial forests and adjacent forests in the Small Carpathians (SW Slovakia)]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 11: 1–12.

Publication date: 20. 1. 2012. PDF (8.5 MB) Creative Commons License

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