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Měkkýší fauna rybníka Strašík u Libouně (střední Čechy, okres Benešov) a poznámky k fauně rybníků na Podblanicku
The Molluscan Fauna of Strašík Pond by Libouň Village (Central Bohemia, Benešov District) and Several Notes to Malacofauna of Ponds in Podblanicko Region

Vladimír Vrabec

In the pond Strašík by Libouň (Czech Republic, WGS 84: 49°37'50"N, 14°49'30"E) 14 species of water molluscs were documented by the research executed on 8 June 2001: Radix peregra, Lymnaea stagnalis, Anisus vortex, Bathyomphalus contortus, Gyraulus albus, Gyraulus crista, Hippeutis complanatus, Musculium lacustre, Pisidium casertanum, Pisidium milium, Pisidium nitidum, Pisidium obtusale, Pisidium personatum, Pisidium subtruncatum. The basic characteristics of the community were determined: quantitative composition and dominance. The index of the concentrated dominance modified according to Simpson (c = 0,33) was counted and compared with available data. The pond fauna was compared to the fauna of other examined ponds in Podblanicko. The total of 12 ponds were examined in this region or its closest surroundings so far and 21 species of water molluscs were found in them. The pond Strašík, analysed in this study, is richest in species variety, as it has 14 species, the least occupied are the ponds Splav by Bystřice (2 species) and the first pond above the pond Utopenec by Vlašim (3 species). In the case of these ponds the result is probably due to the fact that they are relatively little known. The species Anisus vortex, Lymnaea stagnalis and Gyraulus albus have the highest frequency of occurrence in the ponds examined so far in Podblanicko, the least frequent are the species Bithynia tentaculata, Acroloxus lacustris and Pisidium personatum. The similarity of the species composition of the ponds fauna was evaluated according to the Jaccard’s index. The pond most similar to the Strašík pond analyzed in this study is from the point of view of the species presence the pond Utopenec on the stream Orlina (8 and 12), which is situated nearby.

Vrabec V., 2003: Měkkýší fauna rybníka Strašík u Libouně (střední Čechy, okres Benešov) a poznámky k fauně rybníků na Podblanicku [The Molluscan Fauna of Strašík Pond by Libouň Village (Central Bohemia, Benešov District) and Several Notes to Malacofauna of Ponds in Podblanicko Region]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 2: 19–26.

Publication date: 10. 7. 2003. PDF (473 kb) Creative Commons License

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1. Příspěvek k poznání vodních měkkýšů CHKO Blaník (Česká republika) [A contribution to the knowledge of aquatic molluscs of the Blaník PLA (Czech Republic)]
Luboš Beran
Malacologica Bohemoslovaca  ročník:  5,  první strana:  46,  rok:  2006

Copyright © 2003   Published by Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University   Valid HTML