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K malakologické charakteristice mokřadů Kokořínska
Malacological characteristics of wetlands in the Kokořín Area

Vojen Ložek

Two different types of molluscan communities from two wetland sites in the Protected Landscape Area of Kokořínsko (Central Bohemia) are described and analysed. The malacocoenosis from the seepage Pod Hvězdou consists of common wetland, catholic and woodland species without relict elements, whereas the Orchis meadow at Blatečky is characterized by endangered relict snails, such as Cochlicopa nitens, Euconulus alderi and both heliophilous Vertigo species – V. angustior and V. antivertigo as well as by the absence of the above woodland and catholic elements. For this reason the Blatečky meadow represents a relict habitat of high value from the viewpoint of nature conservancy.

Ložek V., 2003: K malakologické charakteristice mokřadů Kokořínska [Malacological characteristics of wetlands in the Kokořín Area]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 2: 39–40.

Publication date: 10. 7. 2003. PDF (164 kb) Creative Commons License

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