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Additional information on the reproductive biology and development of the clausilial apparatus in Pontophaedusa funiculum (Mousson, 1856) (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae, Phaedusinae)

Barna Páll-Gergely

The present paper gives additional information on the reproductive biology and describes the development of the clausilial apparatus (CA) of the clausiliid land snail Pontophaedusa funiculum (Mousson, 1856). There are only minor differences between the CA formation of clausiliid species known from this point of view (Albinaria, Herilla, Pontophaedusa, Vestia). The present species copulates by shell-mounting like other clausiliids, which was mistakenly described differently in our earlier paper. The position of the eggs inside the vagina is illustrated. The eggs hatched synchronously. Egg cannibalism occured sometimes among juveniles and adults as well. In most cases, the eggs which were visible through the translucent shells were laid at once. The numbers of laid eggs largely varied among parental individuals. The egg-laying strategy of Pontophaedusa is discussed. The life span of Pontophaedusa may be longer than 7 years.

Keywords: Clausiliidae, Pontophaedusa funiculum, breeding habit, reproductive biology, clausilial apparatus

Páll-Gergely B., 2010: Additional information on the reproductive biology and development of the clausilial apparatus in Pontophaedusa funiculum (Mousson, 1856) (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae, Phaedusinae). – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 9: 1–4.

Publication date: 15. 2. 2010. PDF (836 kB) Creative Commons License

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