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... > Volume 7

Snail fauna of the oldest cemeteries from Riga (Latvia)

Jozef Šteffek, Arturs Stalažs & Edgars Dreijers

We report on the snail fauna from one of the oldest cemeteries from Riga city (Latvia), viz. Lielie kapi and Pokrova kapi. A list of all the snail species recorded from both cemeteries and limited information on the biotope conditions are given. Cecilioides acicula (O.F. Müller, 1774) is first recorded from Latvia and was found at a grassland within the tomb area of the Pokrova kapi cemetery.

Keywords: molluscs, land snail, cemeteries, Cecilioides acicula, Riga, Latvia

Šteffek J., Stalažs A. & Dreijers E., 2008: Snail fauna of the oldest cemeteries from Riga (Latvia). – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 7: 79–80.

Publication date: 29. 9. 2008. PDF (185 kB) Creative Commons License

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