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... > Volume 7

Spomienka na RNDr. Vieru Lučivjanskú, CSc.

Jozef Šteffek

Viera Lučivjanská (1947–1993) was a prominent Slovak malacologist and biogeographer who focused on molluscs as indicators of environmental quality. Her key work was a doctoral thesis on the spatial differentiation of mollusc communities in the Liptov region. She worked at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, where she headed the Department of Animal Ecology. An active nature conservationist, she contributed to the Slovak Fauna Database and published more than 30 scientific studies. Her promising career was tragically cut short by illness.

Šteffek J., 2008: Spomienka na RNDr. Vieru Lučivjanskú, CSc. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 7: 9–10.

Publication date: 4. 2. 2008. PDF (214 kB) Creative Commons License

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