Malacologica Bohemoslovaca 
eISSN 1336-6939
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Opustil nás Miki Lisický
Obituary Mikuláš J. Lisický (*1946–†2008)
Tomáš Čejka & Zbyšek Šustek
Mikuláš J. Lisický (1946–2008) was a prominent Slovak malacologist, ecologist and environmentalist whose work significantly influenced mollusc research and the ecology of large rivers. He worked as a lecturer and researcher at Comenius University and the Slovak Academy of Sciences, where he initiated the monitoring of the ecological impact of the Gabčíkovo hydroelectric project. He was the main author of Mollusca Slovenska and also conducted linguistic research on hydronymy. His interdisciplinary approach, combining natural sciences with philosophy and history, made him a true polymath of Renaissance stature. Although his work was cut short by illness, his scientific and ecological legacy remains an important part of Slovak science.Čejka T. & Šustek Z., 2008: Opustil nás Miki Lisický [Obituary Mikuláš J. Lisický (*1946–†2008)]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 7: 74–75. https://doi.org/10.5817/MaB2008-7-74
Publication date: 16. 9. 2008. PDF (441 kB)

Copyright © 2008 Published by Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University