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Príspevok k topografickému výskumu malakofauny okresu Levice
Contribution to the topographic malacological survey in the Levice District, SW Slovakia

Jozef Šteffek, Andrzej Falniowski & Magda Szarowska

The paper brings new information on mollusc distribution of Levice District in southern part of Central Slovakia. The data were obtained from 14 localities, which lie mainly in the vicinity of the Ipeľ River and southern slopes of Štiavnické vrchy Mts. Together 78 mollusc species (50 land species and 28 fresh-water species) were found. From 9 localities a litter sample from 1m² was analyzed for quantitative evaluation of snail assemblages. Malacocoenoses of thermophilous forest mollusc species were determined in the area of Štiavnické vrchy Mts. foothill (localities 2, 7, 8). The species Limacus flavus, Euconulus praticola, Pisidium amnicum and Unio crassus albensis are important from the viewpoint of nature conservation and geographical distribution. Carpathian species Bythinella austriaca, Vestia turgida, Bielzia coerulans and also European forest species Merdigera obscura reach the southern boundary of their natural area of occurrence. Typical for this region are malacocoenoses of xeric biotopes, composed from species of 4–6 ecoelement – Cecilioides acicula, Cepaea vindobonensis, Granaria frumentum, Chondrula tridens, Xerolenta obvia, Truncatellina cylindrica, Cochlicopa lubricella and Monacha cartusiana. High diversity was observed by freshwater malacocoenoses. Anodonta anatina attenuata, A. cygnea solearis, Unio tumidus zelebori, Radix ampla are typical for stagnant water biotopes (abandoned ‘paleopotamon’ side arms). In slow flowing waters of the Ipeľ River beside the common species also rare species like Anisus septemgyratus and Pisidium amnicum were detected. Interesting is also the occurrence of strong population of invasive species of Asian mussel Sinanodonta woodiana, which is known to infiltrate into a number of streams all around Slovakia.

Šteffek J., Falniowski A. & Szarowska M., 2005: Príspevok k topografickému výskumu malakofauny okresu Levice [Contribution to the topographic malacological survey in the Levice District, SW Slovakia]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 4: 21–25.

Publication date: 18. 11. 2005. PDF (263 kb) Creative Commons License

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