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Malacologica Bohemoslovaca ![Ukraine flag Ukraine flag](../../images/ukraine-flag.png)
eISSN 1336-6939
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Plži přírodní rezervace U Výpustku v CHKO Moravský kras
Gastropods of the U Výpustku Nature Reserve in the Moravian
Karst PLA
Radovan Coufal
The U Výpustku Nature Reserve is located in the central part of
the Moravian Karst PLA near the Křtiny Town. The reserve is
predominantly forested area with multitude of karst features,
such as caves and sinkholes. The valley was shaped in devonian
limestones by the Křtinský potok Brook during the Quaternary. In
total, 73 species of terrestrial gastropods were recorded (43%
of the 171 species occurring in the Czech Republic), seven of
which are included in the Red List of threatened species in the
Czech Republic and 13 were newly recorded for the area. The
majority of the recorded species (43; 59%) are forest dwellers,
followed by euryvalent species (13; 18%). The proportion of
open-country species is lower: sun-lit rock and steppe (5; 7%),
silviphobic (3; 4%), dry-habitat (2; 3%), hygrophilous (4; 6%)
and wetland (2; 3%). Among the recorded taxa, there are several
rare and sensitive species reflecting the well-preserved state
and biological value of the studied area, e.g. Daudebardia
brevipes (VU), Ruthenica filograna, Truncatellina
claustralis (VU), Chondrina arcadica clienta (NT)
and Granaria frumentum (NT). Synanthropic (Arion
distinctus, Deroceras reticulatum) and invasive (Arion
vulgaris) species were recorded for the first time in the
reserve, suggesting their current spread.Keywords: faunistics, Gastropoda, Moravia, Moravský kras Protected Landscape Area
Coufal R., 2020: Plži přírodní rezervace U Výpustku v CHKO Moravský kras [Gastropods of the U Výpustku Nature Reserve in the Moravian Karst PLA]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 19: 114–123. https://doi.org/10.5817/MaB2020-19-114
Publication date: 24. 10. 2020. PDF (20.0 MB)
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Copyright © 2020 Published by Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University