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... > Volume 13

Malakofauna mokradí Bielych Karpát
Wetland molluscan fauna of the White Carpathian Mts. (Slovakia)

Barbora Holienková & Juraj Čačaný

A malacozoological survey of the molluscan fauna in 21 selected wetland habitats was carried out in the White Carpathian Mts. in 2010–2014. In total, 66 species of gastropods (5 aquatic) were confirmed at the surveyed sites. Viable populations of two species of European importance were confirmed (Vertigo moulinsiana and V. angustior).

Keywords: land snails, spring fens, faunistic survey, Vertigo moulinsiana, Vertigo angustior

Holienková B. & Čačaný J., 2014: Malakofauna mokradí Bielych Karpát [Wetland molluscan fauna of the White Carpathian Mts. (Slovakia)]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 13: 116–123.

Publication date: 18. 11. 2014. PDF (13.1 MB) Creative Commons License

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