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Malakofauna údolí Tiché Orlice
Mollusc fauna of the Tichá Orlice River valley
Jan Myšák & Jitka Horáčková
Altogether, 78 terrestrial mollusc species were recorded on 31 plots in a stretch of the Tichá Orlice River valley between the cities Choceň and Letohrad (East Bohemia, Czech Republic) in 2007 and 2009. This region harbours 46% of the total terrestrial mollusc fauna of the Czech Republic. The fairly high species richness corresponds to a high habitat diversity and species pool of the region that includes Alpine and Carpathian elements. Of prime conservation importance is a high share of rare and endangered species (EN-2, VU-9, NT-14 species) and species mostly having an isolated population there from the main distribution range. This region is a real hotspot of forest gastropods in Transalpine Europe.
Keywords: terrestrial snails, Tichá Orlice River, inventory, marls, species richness, Czech Republic
Myšák J. & Horáčková J., 2011: Malakofauna údolí Tiché Orlice [Mollusc fauna of the Tichá Orlice River valley]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 10: 38–44. https://doi.org/10.5817/MaB2011-10-38
Publication date: 20. 6. 2011. PDF
(354 kB)
Copyright © 2011 Published by Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University