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Nivní malakofauna řeky Ohře – její minulost a současnost
The floodplain molluscan fauna of the Ohře River (Czech Republic) – its past and present

Jitka Horáčková, Vojen Ložek & Lucie Juřičková

The recent molluscan assemblages of all floodplain forests on the 256 km long Ohře River were studied (West and Northwest Bohemia, Czech Republic). Altogether, 75 species of terrestrial Gastropoda representing 30% of the total Czech malacofauna, were recorded at sites selected during previous and recent research from 1950−2010. The Ohře malacofauna is impoverished of many forest and floodplain species in comparison to molluscan assemblages of smaller Bohemian rivers to the west and northwest. The richest molluscan assemblages occur on the upper part of the river, while the middle and lower parts are very poor. Low alpha-diversity of these parts of the Ohře River can be explained by (1) intensive agriculture in floodplain areas of the middle part of the river, (2) the migration barrier of the Nechranice Dam between the upper and middle river parts, and (3) long-term human influence on the lower part of the Ohře River during the Holocene.

Keywords: Mollusca, Czech Republic, river floodplain, faunistic, Holocene, alluvial molluscan assemblages, Oxychilus alliarius

Horáčková J., Ložek V. & Juřičková L., 2011: Nivní malakofauna řeky Ohře – její minulost a současnost [The floodplain molluscan fauna of the Ohře River (Czech Republic) – its past and present]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 10: 51–64.

Publication date: 18. 10. 2011. PDF (900 kB) Creative Commons License

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1. Malakofauna navrhované přírodní rezervace Houžetín v CHKO České středohoří [Mollusc fauna of the proposed Houžetín Nature Reserve in the České středohoří Protected Landscape Area]
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2. Land snail diversity and composition in relation to ecological variations in Central European floodplain forests and their history
J. Horáčková, M. Horsák, L. Juřičková
Community Ecology  ročník:  15,  číslo:  1,  první strana:  44,  rok:  2014

3. Nivní malakofauna povodí Úštěckého potoka a její vývoj během holocénu [The floodplain mollusc fauna of the Úštěcký Brook catchment basin and its development during the Holocene (North Bohemia, Czech Republic)]
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4. Impoverishment of recent floodplain forest mollusc fauna in the lower Ohře River (Czech Republic) as a result of prehistoric human impact
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5. Species richness patterns and community structure of land snail communities along an urban-rural gradient in river floodplains
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