Malacologica Bohemoslovaca 
eISSN 1336-6939
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Perspektivy bioindikačního využití vodních měkkýšů na základě
znalosti bionomie jednotlivých druhů
Perspectives of bioindication of water molluscs based on the knowledge
of bionomy of each species
Ivona Velecká
This report briefly summarise possibilities of the use of water molluscs for a bioindication of environment, draws attention to advantages and disadvantages of such applications. There are some observation mentioned, which may also have some bioindicating signification, for instance the Bithynia tentaculata molluscs crawl to a water surface when there is oxygen insufficiency on the bottom, prolongation of reproduction period and structure population change due to differences in water temperature also in B. tentaculata, growth stagnation of molluscs caused by the weed-grown water surface, changes in reproduction process, in size and shape of egg-lays and in lay-spots, signalling of temperature changes in water springs (Bithynella austriaca), different reaction of molluscs to fluctuating height of water level, etc. We also give an attention to factors influencing the analyse of the material, for example it is not right to save the mollusc samples in formaldehyde, it is necessity to distinguish properly empty or lived in-shells. We point out the need to precise the methods maximally.Velecká I., 2002: Perspektivy bioindikačního využití vodních měkkýšů na základě znalosti bionomie jednotlivých druhů [Perspectives of bioindication of water molluscs based on the knowledge of bionomy of each species]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 1: 11–14. https://doi.org/10.5817/MaB2002-1-11
Publication date: 17. 5. 2002. PDF (154 kb)

Copyright © 2002 Published by Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University