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Povodí potoka Chotěbuzky – malakozoologicky zajímavé území na Těšínsku (Slezsko, Česká republika)
Chotěbuzka stream basin – a malacologically notable area in the Těšín region (Silesia, Czech Republic)

Jiří Kupka

Snails of the Chotěbuzka stream basin were surveyed in 2005 by analysis flood debris. In total, 50 snail species were found. Comparisons with records elsewhere in the Těšín region show that this stream basin is very important for molluscs. The abandoned quarry of "Jeruzalém" in Stanislavice is the most favourable site for molluscs, since many stenotopic and endangered woodland species occur there (e.g. Oxychilus depressus, Daudebardia rufa). The presence of the snail Sphyradium doliolum (listed as "near threatened" in the Czech Red list) in the Czech part of the Těšín region is notable. The area of the abandoned quarry is not nowadays administered as a protected area, although it is very significant not only from a malacological viewpoint, but also geologically and floristically.

Kupka J., 2006: Povodí potoka Chotěbuzky – malakozoologicky zajímavé území na Těšínsku (Slezsko, Česká republika) [Chotěbuzka stream basin – a malacologically notable area in the Těšín region (Silesia, Czech Republic)]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 5: 29–32.

Publication date: 24. 5. 2006. PDF (300 kb) Creative Commons License

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