Malacologica Bohemoslovaca 
eISSN 1336-6939
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Prales NPR Mionší – malakozoologický ráj v Beskydech
Virgin forest of the Mionší National Nature Reserve – a malacological
Eden in the Beskydy Mts (S Moravia, Czech Republic)
Michal Horsák & Jiří Novák & Michal Novák
The results of a more than 50 years lasting malacological survey in the Mionší NNR are published here. The virgin forest of Mionší is one of the most important forest reserves in the Czech Republic and it presents the most preserved nature of the forest mountain habitats in the Beskydy Mts. Altogether, 62 mollusc species have been recorded there and we encountered 58 of them during 1998–2005. The molluscan fauna as a whole is characteristic for its high share of Carpathian species. Some of them reach a western limit of their occurrence there (e.g. Vestia gulo). The presence of virgin forest inhabitants (Macrogastra latestriata, Bulgarica cana, Acicula parcelineata) is of prime importance. Macrogastra latestriata, an index species of climatic Holocene optimum, has its largest population within the Czech Republic here.Horsák M., Novák J. & Novák M., 2006: Prales NPR Mionší – malakozoologický ráj v Beskydech [Virgin forest of the Mionší National Nature Reserve – a malacological Eden in the Beskydy Mts (S Moravia, Czech Republic)]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 5: 18–24. https://doi.org/10.5817/MaB2006-5-18
Publication date: 12. 5. 2006. PDF (458 kb)

Copyright © 2006 Published by Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University