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Měkkýši NPR Špraněk: 140 let bádání v Javoříčském krasu (střední Morava, Česká republika)
Molluscs of Špraněk NNR: 140 years of malacological research in Javoříčský karst (Central Moravia, Czech Republic)
Štěpánka Podroužková & Radovan Coufal
The Špraněk NNR, as a prominent part of the Javoříčko Karst, has long been a focus of malacological research. In this study, we have assembled all the information on the mollusc fauna regarding this area by compiling literature data, records from the Natural History Museum in Prague, and data from our own field research. Since the end of the 19th century, 86 species of molluscs have been recorded. The malacofauna is dominated by preserved forest communities with a significant proportion of xerophilous and calciphilous species. The three most represented ecological groups are strictly forest (31%), woodland (15%), and euryvalent (15%) species. European and Central European species comprise the largest portion of the species composition, but a significant component is also represented by Alpine and Carpathian species, as the area lies on the border between the Bohemian Massif and the Carpathians. Despite its small area, the Špraněk NNR hosts a rich mollusc community of both conservation and zoogeographical value.
Keywords: faunistics, survey, Mollusca, karst, Orcula dolium
Podroužková Š. & Coufal R., 2023: Měkkýši NPR Špraněk: 140 let bádání v Javoříčském krasu (střední Morava, Česká republika) [Molluscs of Špraněk NNR: 140 years of malacological research in Javoříčský karst (Central Moravia, Czech Republic)]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 22: 19–36. https://doi.org/10.5817/MaB2023-22-19
Publication date: 12. 6. 2023. PDF
(24.9 MB)
Copyright © 2023 Published by Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University