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Diverzita vodních měkkýšů řeky Turiec (Slovensko)
Diversity of aquatic molluscs of the river Turiec (Slovakia)

Luboš Beran, Erika Šlachtová & Tomáš Čejka

During a detailed faunistic survey of the river Turiec in northern Slovakia in 2013–2022, we found 18 species of aquatic molluscs (8 gastropods and 10 bivalves) at 9 sites. The most species-rich assemblages were in the middle course of this river. The surprisingly low species richness in the lower course could be due to the heavily altered riverbed and polluted water. The most frequently recorded species were the gastropods Ancylus fluviatilis and Radix ampla and the bivalves Pisidium casertanum and P. subtruncatum. The rare and critically endangered bivalve Pisidium tenuilineatum was recorded in 2017 at one site, and two endangered species, Unio crassus and P. amnicum, were found in rich populations in 2022. The presence of these species confirms the relatively good preservation of the middle course of Turiec. The non-native species Physa acuta was found in this river for the first time.

Keywords: Mollusca, Turiec, faunistics, Pisidium tenuilineatum, Unio crassus

Beran L., Šlachtová E. & Čejka T., 2023: Diverzita vodních měkkýšů řeky Turiec (Slovensko) [Diversity of aquatic molluscs of the river Turiec (Slovakia)]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 22: 13–18.

Publication date: 10. 2. 2023. PDF (24.7 MB) Creative Commons License

Map with localities.
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1. Malacological news from the Czech and Slovak Republics in 2022
Luboš Beran, Tomáš Čejka, Tereza Adamcová, Radovan Coufal, Juraj Čačaný, Jitka Horáčková, Lucie Juřičková, Štěpánka Podroužková, Dagmar Říhová, Erika Šlachtová, Michal Horsák
Malacologica Bohemoslovaca  ročník:  22,  první strana:  37,  rok:  2023

Copyright © 2023   Published by Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University
Updated: 03/27/2025 12:18:19