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Malakofauna navrhované NPR Obírka-Kopánky a okolí
Mollusc fauna of the proposed Obírka-Kopánky National Nature Reserve
and its surroundings
Jan Myšák
Altogether, 77 mollusc species were recorded in the proposed Obírka-Kopánky National Nature Reserve (North Moravia, Czech Republic) during 2010–2016. Mollusc species diversity in forest habitats was equal to that reported from the study area 85 years ago. The assemblages include endangered species of primeval forests as Macrogastra latestriata, Vestia ranojevici moravica, Bulgarica cana, and Daudebardia brevipes, being of prime conservation importance. The study area is also one of the westernmost locations of fully developed mollusc assemblages of Carpathian primeval forests.
Keywords: Mollusca, Jezernice valley, faunistics, primeval forest indicators, Carpathian distribution, endemics
Myšák J., 2017: Malakofauna navrhované NPR Obírka-Kopánky a okolí [Mollusc fauna of the proposed Obírka-Kopánky National Nature Reserve and its surroundings]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 16: 7–11. https://doi.org/10.5817/MaB2017-16-7
Publication date: 25. 1. 2017. PDF
(338 kB)
Copyright © 2017 Published by Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University