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Vodní měkkýši nově vzniklého jezera Most v severních Čechách
Freshwater molluscs of the Most, a newly created lake in Northern
Bohemia (Czech Republic)
Luboš Beran
This paper summarizes the knowledge of freshwater mollusc fauna of the Most Lake. It was created in 2008–2013 by flooding of the majority of the former coal quarry of Ležáky (Northern Bohemia). This water reservoir originated in the area of 311 ha and with the maximum depth of 75 m it is the largest water body of the area. The research was conducted in summer 2013, when the water level was about 0.5 m bellow the final expected level. In total, only six species of freshwater molluscs (five gastropods, one bivalve) were found at 11 sites. Two autochtonous molluscs (Radix auricularia and Gyraulus crista) and four allochtonous species (Physella acuta, Gyraulus parvus, Menetus dilatatus and Dreissena polymorpha) were found. The occurrence of all species except D. polymorpha was scattered, while the latter occurred in numerous populations sometimes with more than 80 specimens per 10 cm². Most of the molluscs were found on stones of the lake banks or at areas of shallow water. The results obtained during this research have recorded mollusc assemblages at the first successional stages of this artificial lake, thus enabling future comparison.
Keywords: artificial lake, molluscan assemblages
Beran L., 2013: Vodní měkkýši nově vzniklého jezera Most v severních Čechách [Freshwater molluscs of the Most, a newly created lake in Northern Bohemia (Czech Republic)]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 12: 89–92. https://doi.org/10.5817/MaB2013-12-89
Publication date: 1. 12. 2013. PDF
(2.1 MB)
Copyright © 2013 Published by Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University