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Poznámky k ekologii, rozšíření a ochraně vřetence horského (Pseudofusulus varians) v České republice
Notes to the ecology, distribution and protection of Pseudofusulus varians in the Czech Republic

Adam Lacina

Pseudofusulus varians (C. Pfeiffer, 1828) is one of the most endangered land snail species in the Czech Republic. It is a relict species from Atlantic period of the Holocene, inhabiting exclusively nature beech and scree forests. Originally it was known from 16 sites in the Krušné Hory Mts. (Ore Mts.) (NW Bohemia, Czech Republic) and one site in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. (East Moravia, Czech Republic). The occurrence of the snail was recently confirmed only at seven sites in the Krušné Hory Mts. Remaining sites were destroyed due to human impacts, mainly acid rains and insensive forest management. Therefore its populations survived only in forest patches hidden in hardly accessible places. P. varians is strictly dendrophilous species, so the main threat is dead wood removing and clear cutting. As it is endangered in the whole Europe (Austria, Croatia, Germany, Slovakia and the others), it is very important to protect its modern sites.

Keywords: Clausiliidae, Pseudofusulus varians, land snails, Krušné Hory Mts., forest management, species conservation, dendrophilous species

Lacina A., 2011: Poznámky k ekologii, rozšíření a ochraně vřetence horského (Pseudofusulus varians) v České republice [Notes to the ecology, distribution and protection of Pseudofusulus varians in the Czech Republic]. – Malacologica Bohemoslovaca, 10: 18–23.

Publication date: 23. 3. 2011. PDF (2.7 MB) Creative Commons License

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1. Biogeografické regiony České republiky
Martin Culek, Vít Grulich, Zdeněk Laštůvka, Jan Divíšek
ISBN 978-80-210-6693-9  rok:  2013

Copyright © 2011   Published by Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University   Valid HTML